Thursday, April 19, 2012

I loved Toy Story 3, but...

... here are the Top Ten things wrong with it (in no particular order):

1a. Lotso used a cane for the whole movie until Big Baby picked him up and threw him in the dumpster, but later he starts running and climbing a ladder? C'mon!

1b. Speaking of Lotso being in the dumpster, how on Earth does he get high enough to grab Woody's leg when Woody rescues one of the Pizza Planet aliens? Is he levitating!?!? There is no logical explanation...

2. When Woody comes back to save Andy's toys from Sunshine Daycare, he quickly recognizes the ceiling tile as an easy and efficient way to get from room to room. Why didn't the other toys do this in the first place instead of the crazy high-flying way they got Buzz to the window above the door? I definitely appreciated that scene, so I am not really complaining because it was entertaining, but still.

3. I had a minor problem with Woody RUNNING-JUMPING-SLIDING DOWN A DRAINAGE PIPE all while holding scissors (that are as big as him!) - this is only problematic because of the potential example it is setting for children.

4. In what universe (or American suburb, I suppose) does the garbage man come on Tuesday (as assumed by Andy and his mom/sister's comments about "Going to college in three days") and then AGAIN on Friday (when the toys return)? This was one of the worst pieces of editing, in my opinion. And I think it could have easily been avoided.

5a. When Mr. Potato Head is sent to the box (the second time, as part of the plan) he shoves his facial pieces through the hole because (or at least as we are led to believe) his head (really his body) won't fit/can't get out. This leads to the awesome Mr. Tortilla Head part of the movie - however, suddenly later his head is brought back to him - who (and how!) got it out of the box?

5b. Where are their brains? Assuming they have them... okay, I'm now willing to admit they simply do not have a central brain, seeing as each piece functions without being connect to anything.

5c. Mr. Cucumber Head does not necessarily have to have lost weight - just saying!

6. In the beginning flashback home video, Andy and his mom are measuring the toys' heights and you can see Slink is listed as taller than Hamm - but in every scene thereafter it is obvious that Hamm is taller. Perhaps Slink's head can be raised up higher than it normally sits, so this also could be something that is just inconvenient and only noticeable to a superb mind ;) j/k

7. One thing that irritated me, and should annoy most people, is that Hamm says he can't figure out how to get Buzz back from Spanish mode because "that part of the manual is in Spanish!" - BOGUS. Manuals are not written in different languages by section; they are fully written in each language. That irked me.

8. After getting past the idea that Buzz could swing himself around that broomstick to reach the trash chute door, it made no sense how he got the door open. Pulling on the handle while his feet were on the door wouldn't work (good job Disney/Pixar on that point) BUT then he simply locks his feet into the handle and straightens his body? That'd never work and was just silly.

9. Another annoying thing was when Woody and Buzz go to help Lotso get unstuck from under the golf bag. Woody grabs a club to help dislodge Lotso, but the magnet above is pulling the club upward, so Buzz grabs on to keep it down so they can use it. Once successful, Lotso also grabs on (aka MORE WEIGHT) and then they are sucked up by the magnet (yes I know magnets don't suck). Dumb.

10. Lastly, at least for now... HOW DID KEN GET OUT OF THE SUPERB WRAP JOB BARBIE DID WITH THE PADDLE BALL GAME? It was just too bad, cuz I couldn't stand that guy ;)

The end.

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